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ESA Program & AZTO Awards

Since 2004, AZTO has supported families in making a Christian Education affordable. In the fall of 2022, Arizona’s Empowerment Scholarship Account (ESA) program became universally available to all K-12 students in Arizona.  Here is what you need to know regarding AZTO’s tuition tax credit program and the ESA program. Both programs are student specific. Program consideration […]

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Family Landing Pages are available

AZTO’s Family Landing Pages are available.  What is a landing page?  A landing page is a custom designed student webpage.  This tool allows you to promote the tax credit program easily to your network of family and friends via social media, text, and email.  You provide the content and pictures.  AZTO describes the “nuts and […]

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PLUS/Overflow Credit Program Expansion for the 2021-2022 school year.

In the spring legislative session, the PLUS/Overflow program gained ground to include more student groups.  Previously, the following 5 categories of students were eligible for the PLUS/Overflow credit: kindergarteners, switchers from Arizona public/charter schools, military dependents, prior Corporate Credit recipients, and prior PLUS/Overflow recipients.  Starting in the 2021-2022 school year, now PLUS/Overflow eligibility also includes […]

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